Consisting of pieces that he has played on stage, but never committed to a recording, Test of Time is San Francisco Bay Area guitarist Teja Gerken’s third solo album. Featuring originals, tunes from the Celtic repertoire, a jazz standard, and a classical piece, Test of Time represents Teja’s fingerstyle guitar playing the way a typical performance does. Playing six-string, 12-string, and resonator guitars, Teja applies his keen melodic awareness, experimental spirit, and masterful technique to a set of road-tested solo guitar favorites.
Vicki’s Red Boots (T. Gerken, BMI)
Back in 2004, I was fortunate to be on a tour of Hungary that included the fabulous guitarist Vicki Genfan. We’ve done a lot of shows together since, and she wore her red boots for many of them. Vicki is a master of using two-handed slap techniques, and this tune includes a bit of this playing style.
Lowden O10, CGDGGD
The Ninth of August (T. Gerken, BMI)
I’ve written a handful tunes for members of my family. This one is for my dad.
Magic Potion (T. Gerken, BMI)
This one goes back to my late 1990s duo with Celtic guitarist Dylan Schorer. Named after the magic potion brewed by the Gaul’s druid in Asterix comic books.
Martin OM, DADGAD, Capo 2
Naima (John Coltrane, 1926 – 1967, Jowcol Music, BMI)
I spend much of my time around folkies and acoustic musicians, but if I were stranded on a desert island, I’d want some Coltrane, Monk, and Mingus to listen to. I love playing this one on the 12-string, and I hope I manage to channel a bit of the great Ralph Towner’s influence into the result.
Taylor 355 12-string, DADGAD
The Kerfunken Jig (H. Hamilton)
I first heard this on Martin Hayes and Dennis Cahill’s gorgeous album, The Lonesome Touch. Written by Hammy Hamilton, a flute maker who is still active in Co. Cork, Ireland, the piece was was apparently inspired by the town of Kerfeunteun in Brittany, France. Martin OM,
DGDGCD, Capo 4
11:11 PM (T. Gerken, BMI)
This tune came to me shortly before my daughter was born. She arrived at 11:11PM, and when I picked up my guitar a few days later, I realized my new tune had a title!
Lowden O10, CGDGCD
Minuet in D Minor (BWV, Anh. 132) (J.S. Bach, 1685 – 1750)
In the early 1990s, I took a few lessons with classical guitarist Peter Greenwood. At our final session, he gifted me a copy of his book Pieces for Classical Guitar, which included an arrangement of this piece. I played it on nylon-string guitar for years before re-arranging it for steel-string guitar in DADGAD tuning.
Paradise Valley (T. Gerken, BMI)
This one showed up one sunny morning in Bolinas, California.
Lowden O10, CGCGCD
Takoma (T. Gerken, BMI)
I wrote this after coming home from a Leo Kottke show. I had a sudden urge to come up with something that honored the American Primitive styles of the early Takoma Records guitarists.
Taylor 355 12-string, CGDGBD
Niel Gow’s Lament for the Death of His Second Wife (Niel Gow, 1727 – 1807)
A popular Scottish fiddle tune, this gorgeous ballad has been adapted by so many guitarists that for a long time, I wasn’t sure how to come up with a version that was my own. Martin Simpson’s slide playing on traditional ballads served as the inspiration for the approach I finally chose, with Steve Baughman’s version providing a road map.
National Style 1, CGDGCD
Recorded by Teja Gerken and Doug Young (4 & 9).
Mixed and mastered by Doug Young
Photos by Teja Gerken
Design by Maurice Tani
The fabulous guitars used on these recordings are a 2004 Martin Custom Shop OM, a 1999 Lowden O10, a 2000 Taylor 355, and a 1999 National Reso-Phonic Style 1 Tricone.
Huge thanks to Doug Young, my fabulous duo partner, gigging pal, and brilliant recording engineer, who spent countless hours helping with the completion of this project.
My gratitude also goes to Eric Skye for listening to early mixes, and to Steve Baughman for helping me work out “Neil Gow’s.”
I couldn’t do any of what I do without the constant support and encouragement of Heather Gould. I love you big!